Commercial Driver’s License Lawyer – Hinsdale | DuPage County
Serving Cook County, DuPage County and Will County
A CDL license holder is held to a higher level of conduct than a person holding a regular drivers license. The Illinois Secretary of State regulates the guidelines for its commercial drivers. A CDL – commercial driver’s license can be taken away or invalidated. We help people fight for their job, career and their right to drive when charged with a moving violation or other CDL violation.
If you can’t drive, your ability to earn a living is at risk. A traffic ticket on your MVR – motor vehicle record can raise your insurance rates, and can effect current and future employment. Antonietti & Associates has been able to help our clients have tickets dismissed, and in some cases – have tickets changed to a non-moving violation. We help our clients keep their record clean.
A CDL driver’s license holder must have their license verified each year. Any infraction can make the difference between being hired, fired, or keeping your current job. If you have received a ticket for any of the following moving violations, contact Antonietti Law to schedule a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL consultation.
Offenses leading to a CDL disqualification can include:
- Alcohol & Drug related offenses
- Causing a fatal accident due to violation of any motor vehicle control law
- Death caused due to negligent CMV operation
- Excessive Speeding
- Failing to check that tracks are clear
- Failing to stop
- Following other vehicles too closely
- Improper Lane Changes
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Operating a CMV without a valid CDL (disqualified, suspended, or revoked).
- Out of Service Violations
- Railroad Crossing Violations
- Serious Traffic Violations
**You can also receive points for any moving violations below, including:
Learn more about points assigned based on various offenses @ CyberDriveIllinois.
- Failure to reduce speed
- Following to close
- Improper lane usage
- Overweight tickets
- Reckless Driving
- Speeding
You can learn more about CDL suspension @ the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Contact a CDL Attorney @ Antonietti Law TODAY for HELP!
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